Child Support in Manassas Park, VA: Are There Any Exceptions for Joint Custody?

Child support is a crucial aspect of divorce proceedings, especially when children are involved. It is a legal obligation for parents to financially support their children, regardless of their marital status. In Manassas Park, VA, child support is determined based on the income of both parents and the needs of the child.

Joint Custody in Manassas Park, VA

In Manassas Park, VA, joint custody is a common arrangement for divorced or separated parents. This means that both parents have equal rights and responsibilities in making decisions for their child's welfare.

Joint custody also involves sharing physical custody of the child, which means the child spends time with both parents. When it comes to child support, joint custody does not automatically exempt one parent from paying. The court will still consider the income of both parents and the needs of the child before making a decision on child support.

Exceptions to Paying Child Support in Manassas Park, VA

While joint custody does not automatically exempt a parent from paying child support, there are some exceptions that may apply in certain situations. These exceptions are determined by the court and may vary depending on the circumstances.

1.Equal Income and Expenses

If both parents have equal income and expenses, the court may decide that neither parent has to pay child support. This is because both parents are equally responsible for financially supporting their child. However, it is important to note that this exception only applies if both parents have similar incomes and expenses.

If one parent has significantly higher expenses or a higher income than the other, they may still be required to pay child support.

2.Shared Physical Custody

In some cases, the court may consider shared physical custody as a factor in determining child support. If both parents have equal time with the child, the court may decide that neither parent has to pay child support. However, this exception is not always guaranteed. The court will still consider the income of both parents and the needs of the child before making a decision.

3.Child Support Already Included in Alimony

In some cases, child support may already be included in alimony payments. Alimony is a form of financial support that one spouse pays to the other after a divorce.

If the alimony payments already cover the child's needs, the court may decide that no additional child support is necessary.

4.Child Support Agreement Between Parents

In some cases, parents may come to an agreement on child support outside of court. This agreement must be in writing and approved by the court to be legally binding. If both parents agree on a certain amount for child support, it may override the court's decision.

Consequences of Not Paying Child Support in Manassas Park, VA

Child support is a legal obligation, and failure to pay can result in serious consequences. In Manassas Park, VA, the Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for enforcing child support orders. If a parent fails to pay child support, the DSS can take various actions to enforce payment, including:
  • Garnishing wages or tax refunds
  • Suspending driver's license or professional licenses
  • Placing liens on property or assets
  • Reporting delinquent payments to credit bureaus
  • Initiating legal action, such as contempt of court charges
In extreme cases, a parent who consistently fails to pay child support may face jail time.


In Manassas Park, VA, joint custody does not automatically exempt a parent from paying child support.

The court will still consider the income of both parents and the needs of the child before making a decision. However, there are some exceptions to paying child support in certain situations, such as equal income and expenses or shared physical custody. It is important for parents to understand their legal obligations and the consequences of not paying child support. If you are facing issues with child support in Manassas Park, VA, it is best to seek the advice of a family law attorney who can guide you through the legal process.

Gina Angeloff
Gina Angeloff

Devoted music evangelist. Hardcore reader. Evil tv nerd. Infuriatingly humble twitter trailblazer. Passionate bacon trailblazer.

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